VJS Agronome Inc.
HenryvilleContact details
Henryville Québec J0J 1E0
Actif en recherche et sur le terrain à travers des suivis de culture;Bleuets, framboises, camerises et fruits émergents.
Territories served
Centre-du-Québec, Estrie, MontérégieOffered services:
Technical: Related to agricultural practices (farming methods, water management, agroforestry, maple sugaring, buildings, and equipment), Related to agricultural practices (farming methods, water management, agroforestry, maple sugaring, buildings, and equipment),
Agri-Environment: Agri-Environmental Support Plan plan (Plan d’accompagnement agroenvironnemental - PAA), Monitoring and detailed, targeted assessment,
Vegetal production:
Other small fruits (sallow thorns, elderberries, haskaps...), Highbush blueberries, Raspberries, Small fruitsSpecialities:
Plant specialities: Plant protection,
Soil specialities: Windbreak,
- Violaine Joly-Séguin, Agronomist