Sylvain Goyette, agr

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Sainte-Cécile-de-Milton Québec J0E 2C0


Services en agroenvironnement principalement en grandes cultures, plantes fourragères. Services conseils en productions animales diverses, dossiers de carrières et sablières, dossiers de CPTAQ, 

Territories served

Centre-du-Québec, Estrie, Montérégie

Offered services:

Technical: Related to agricultural practices (farming methods, water management, agroforestry, maple sugaring, buildings, and equipment), Related to breeding practices (consumption, genetics, farming, buildings, and equipment), Related to breeding practices (consumption, genetics, farming, buildings, and equipment),

Farm business management: Farm business plan,

Agri-Environment: Agri-Environmental Support Plan plan (Plan d’accompagnement agroenvironnemental - PAA), Monitoring and detailed, targeted assessment, Targeted assessment in Agri-Environment,

Animal production:

Lambs and sheep, Slaughter steer, Beef cattle, Dairy cattle, Horses, Meat goats, Mohair goats, Dairy goats, Ovines and caprines, Swine, Grass-fed calves, Grain-fed calves, Milk-fed calves, Poultry (ducks, geese, quails, pheasants, Guinea fowls, pigeons...), Poultry (chickens and turkeys)

Vegetal production:

Maple sugaring, Oat, Wheat, Large-scale farming (cereals, corn, protein crops), Corn, Barley, Forage and prairie plants, Rye, Soy


Plant specialities: Organic agriculture, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Cereals for human consumption, Green manure/cover crops, Plant protection, Maple grove efficiency and syrup quality,

Animal specialities: Pasture and setting up pens,

Soil specialities: Soil conservation and management, Surface drainage, Manure management, Fertilizing residual materials,


  • Suzanne Gagnon, Agronomist, Professional technologist
  • Sylvain Goyette, Agronomist