Pursol Club Agroenvironnemental

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475 Chemin du Rang 3 Ouest
Québec G0K 1H0


Pursol fait parti du regroupement des clubs-conseils en agroenvironnement (CCAE) qui sont des regroupements volontaires de producteurs agricoles. Leur mission est d’offrir à leurs membres et à leurs clients une expertise de pointe en agroenvironnement et de les accompagner dans la mise en œuvre de pratiques agricoles durables.Plan agroenvironnemental de fertilisationBilan de phosphoreÉchantillonnagePratiques de conservation des solsConversion à l’agriculture biologiqueImplantation de nouvelles culturesDépistage et recommandationsÉvaluations variées : rendements, précision de semis, dommages, risques, etc.Calibration d’équipementsNivellementAgroforesterie : haies brise-vent, etc.

Territories served


Offered services:

Technical: Related to agricultural practices (farming methods, water management, agroforestry, maple sugaring, buildings, and equipment), Related to breeding practices (consumption, genetics, farming, buildings, and equipment), Related to breeding practices (consumption, genetics, farming, buildings, and equipment),

Agri-Environment: Agri-Environmental Support Plan plan (Plan d’accompagnement agroenvironnemental - PAA), Monitoring and detailed, targeted assessment, Targeted assessment in Agri-Environment,

Animal production:

Lambs and sheep, Slaughter steer, Beef cattle, Dairy cattle, Ovines and caprines, Swine, Grass-fed calves, Grain-fed calves, Milk-fed calves, Poultry (chickens and turkeys)

Vegetal production:

Maple sugaring, Oat, Wheat, Mushrooms, Field crops: vegetables, Large-scale farming (cereals, corn, protein crops), Corn, Sweet corns, Barley, Forage and prairie plants, Pears, Apples, Non-timber forest products (NTFP), Plums, Rye, Soy, Orchards


Plant specialities: Organic agriculture, Agroforestry, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Arboriculture, Fruit trees other than apple growing, Canola, Cereals for human consumption, Hemp, Green manure/cover crops, Emerging large-scale farming (false flax, flax, common millet...), Permaculture, Plant protection,

Animal specialities: Consumption, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Animal well-being, Pasture and setting up pens,

Soil specialities: Windbreak, Composting, Soil conservation and management, Manure management, Fertilizing residual materials, Wetland protection, Sowing under plant cover,


  • Hugues Groleau, Agronomist
  • Marie-Claude Labrie, Agronomist
  • Antoine Rhéaume, Agronomist