Initiatives Biodiversité
MirabelContact details
Mirabel Québec J7N 0E6
INITIATIVES BIODIVERSITÉ (IB) est un OBNL dont la mission est de produire de la biodiversité, en diminuant les menaces et la mortalité d’origines anthropiques mais aussi en protégeant et en améliorant l’habitat d’espèces menacées et protégées.INITIATIVES BIODIVERSITÉ (IB) est aussi un OBNL humanitaire qui profite des initiatives de conservation pour impliquer des personnes vulnérables ou qui vivent des difficultés d’intégration socio-professionnelle.
Territories served
Laurentides, Montréal-Laval-Lanaudière, OutaouaisOffered services:
Agri-Environment: Targeted assessment in Agri-Environment, Targeted assessment in Agri-Environment,
Vegetal production:
Maple sugaring, Other small fruits (sallow thorns, elderberries, haskaps...), Oat, Wheat, Highbush blueberries, Lowbush blueberries, Carrots and celery, Crucifers, Gourd family, Field crops: vegetables, Ornamental crops, Ornamental crops: christmas trees, Ornamental crops: in field, Ornamental crops: in nursery, Strawberries, Raspberries, Large-scale farming (cereals, corn, protein crops), Lettuce and chicory, Processing vegetables, Corn, Sweet corns, Onions and leeks, Barley, Small fruits, Forage and prairie plants, Pears, Apples, Potatoes, Non-timber forest products (NTFP), Plums, Rye, Potato family (tomatoes and eggplants), Soy, Orchards, VineyardsSpecialities:
Plant specialities: Organic agriculture, Agroforestry, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Arboriculture, Fruit trees other than apple growing, Milkweed,
Soil specialities: Windbreak, Wetland protection,