Groupe Multiconseil Agricole Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
AlmaContact details
Le GMA offre aux entrepreneurs agricoles des services-conseils de pointe en agroenvironnement, en gestion et en génie agricole, non liés, novateurs et livrés par une équipe accessible et professionnelle. Il offre un accompagnement continu de sa clientèle et s'implique dans le développement d'une agriculture durable.
Territories served
Abitibi-Témiscamingue (Nord-du-Québec), Abitibi-Témiscamingue (Nord-du-Québec), Bas-Saint-Laurent, Bas-Saint-Laurent, Capitale-Nationale, Capitale-Nationale, Centre-du-Québec, Centre-du-Québec, Chaudière-Appalaches, Chaudière-Appalaches, Côte-Nord, Côte-Nord, Estrie, Estrie, Gaspésie, Gaspésie, Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Laurentides, Laurentides, Mauricie, Mauricie, Montérégie, Montérégie, Montréal-Laval-Lanaudière, Montréal-Laval-Lanaudière, Outaouais, Outaouais, Saguenay-Lac St-Jean, Saguenay-Lac St-JeanOffered services:
Technical: Food processing, Related to agricultural practices (farming methods, water management, agroforestry, maple sugaring, buildings, and equipment), Related to breeding practices (consumption, genetics, farming, buildings, and equipment),
Human resources: Data organization, Management of work and human resources,
Farm business management: Farm business plan, Farm start-up plan, Farm transfer plan, Marketing plan, Strategic planning, Techno-economic analysis,
Agri-Food management: Agri-Food plan, Agri-Food start-up plan, Agri-Food transfer plan, Strategic planning, Strategic planning,
Agri-Environment: Agri-Environmental Support Plan plan (Plan d’accompagnement agroenvironnemental - PAA), Monitoring and detailed, targeted assessment, Targeted assessment in Agri-Environment,
Animal production:
Lambs and sheep, Beekeeping, Beef cattle, Beekeeping, Big game, Bisons, Bisons, Beef cattle, Dairy cattle, Cervids (elks, white-tailed deer, and fallow deer), Cervids (elks, white-tailed deer, and fallow deer), Horses, Meat goats, Mohair goats, Dairy goats, Dairy cattle, Dairy goats, Grain-fed calves, Big game, Grass-fed calves, Horses, Lambs and sheep, Rabbits, Meat goats, Milk-fed calves, Mohair goats, Ovines and caprines, Ovines and caprines, Poultry (chickens and turkeys), Poultry (ducks, geese, quails, pheasants, Guinea fowls, pigeons...), Rabbits, Wild boars, Grass-fed calves, Grain-fed calves, Milk-fed calves, Poultry (ducks, geese, quails, pheasants, Guinea fowls, pigeons...), Poultry (chickens and turkeys), Wild boarsVegetal production:
Apples, Other small fruits (sallow thorns, elderberries, haskaps...), Oat, Barley, Wheat, Highbush blueberries, Lowbush blueberries, Carrots and celery, Carrots and celery, Corn, Crucifers, Crucifers, Gourd family, Field crops: vegetables, Greenhouse crops: vegetables, Field crops: vegetables, Forage and prairie plants, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gourd family, Large-scale farming (cereals, corn, protein crops), Greenhouse crops: vegetables, Highbush blueberries, Lettuce and chicory, Large-scale farming (cereals, corn, protein crops), Processing vegetables, Lettuce and chicory, Lowbush blueberries, Corn, Sweet corns, Non-timber forest products (NTFP), Oat, Onions and leeks, Onions and leeks, Orchards, Barley, Ornamental crops, Other small fruits (sallow thorns, elderberries, haskaps...), Pears, Small fruits, Forage and prairie plants, Plums, Pears, Apples, Potatoes, Potato family (tomatoes and eggplants), Potatoes, Processing vegetables, Plums, Raspberries, Rye, Rye, Small fruits, Potato family (tomatoes and eggplants), Soy, Soy, Strawberries, Sweet corns, Orchards, Vineyards, Vineyards, WheatSpecialities:
Added value specialities: Dairy products (cheese, yoghurt, milk, ice cream...), Fermentation, Juices or processing non-alcoholic beverages, Market release, Meats, Market release, Oenology, Oenology, Dairy products (cheese, yoghurt, milk, ice cream...), Meats,
Plant specialities: Organic agriculture, Agroforestry, Agroforestry, Garlic, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Apple growing, Arboriculture, Canola, Canola, Cereals for human consumption, Cereals for human consumption, Hemp, Emerging large-scale farming (false flax, flax, common millet...), Green manure/cover crops, Garlic, Turf, Wastewater management, Emerging large-scale farming (false flax, flax, common millet...), Green manure/cover crops, Hemp, Hop, Hop, Nut trees, Organic agriculture, Plant protection, Plant protection, Apple growing, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Turf, Wastewater management,
Animal specialities: Organic agriculture, Urban agriculture, Alpacas, Alpacas, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Animal well-being, Furred game, Animal well-being, Furred game, Genetics, Genetics, Organic agriculture, Pasture and setting up pens, Pasture and setting up pens, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Urban agriculture,
Soil specialities: Windbreak, Composting, Composting, Soil conservation and management, Surface drainage, Subsurface drainage, Fertilizing residual materials, Geomatics and remote sensing, Geomatics and remote sensing, Manure management, Irrigation, Irrigation, Levelling, Manure management, Fertilizing residual materials, Levelling, Wetland protection, Sowing under plant cover, Soil conservation and management, Sowing under plant cover, Subsurface drainage, Surface drainage, Wetland protection, Windbreak,
Soil specialities:
Plant specialities:
Management specialities: Organic agriculture, Urban agriculture, Business plans, Business recovery, Commercialization, Commercialization, Production cost, Manufacturing cost of processed products, Taxation, Manufacturing cost of processed products, Market release, Market release, Organic agriculture, Business plans, Production cost, Business recovery, Taxation, Urban agriculture,
Management specialities:
Engineering specialities: Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Animal well-being, Animal well-being, Surface drainage, Subsurface drainage, Energy efficiency, Energy efficiency, Farm machinery and equipment, Wastewater management, Irrigation, Irrigation, Levelling, Levelling, Renewable energy, Subsurface drainage, Surface drainage, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Wastewater management,
Engineering specialities:
Animal specialities:
Added value specialities:
- Xavier Asselin, Agronomist, Engineer
- Martine Bergeron, Agronomist
- Alexandre Bolduc
- Audrey Bouchard, Agronomist
- Caroline Collard, Agronomist
- Marie-Hélène Côté, Agronomist
- Marc Coulombe
- Marie-Chantale Desmeules, Professional technologist
- François Durand, Agronomist, Engineer
- Alexandra Gagnon, Agronomist
- Christine Gagnon, Agronomist
- Pierre Gagnon, Agronomist
- Félix Girard, Professional technologist
- Sébastien Girard, Agronomist
- Anne-Catherine Guay
- Audrey Laroche, Professional technologist
- Lynda Laroche, Agronomist
- Denis Larouche, Agronomist
- Sylvie Larouche, Professional technologist
- Johnny Lavoie, Agronomist
- Laurianne Lemieux
- Émy McRea, Agronomist
- Nathalie Simard, Agronomist
- Anne St-Onge, Agronomist
- Régis Tremblay, Professional technologist
- Denise Villeneuve, Professional technologist