Côté Champs inc.
Diagnostic spécifique, Rotation et choix de cultures, Methodes culturales, Gestions de l'eau, Suivis des cultures. Optimisation de processus. Élaboration des budgets de production. Gestion des matières fertilisantes, santé et conservation des sols, Prytoprotection (évaluation de la gestion intégrée des ennemis de cultures et évaluation de la gestion des pesticides. Évaluation de l'état des sol.
Territories served
Laurentides, Mauricie, Montréal-Laval-LanaudièreOffered services:
Technical: Related to agricultural practices (farming methods, water management, agroforestry, maple sugaring, buildings, and equipment),
Human resources: Data organization, Data organization,
Agri-Environment: Agri-Environmental Support Plan plan (Plan d’accompagnement agroenvironnemental - PAA), Monitoring and detailed, targeted assessment, Targeted assessment in Agri-Environment,
Vegetal production:
Oat, Wheat, Highbush blueberries, Lowbush blueberries, Carrots and celery, Crucifers, Gourd family, Field crops: vegetables, Greenhouse crops: vegetables, Strawberries, Raspberries, Large-scale farming (cereals, corn, protein crops), Lettuce and chicory, Processing vegetables, Corn, Sweet corns, Onions and leeks, Barley, Small fruits, Potatoes, Rye, Potato family (tomatoes and eggplants), SoySpecialities:
Plant specialities: Green manure/cover crops, Turf, Wastewater management, Plant protection,
Soil specialities: Windbreak, Manure management, Irrigation,
- Diane Côté, Professional technologist
- Katy Gaudreault, Agronomist