Club agroenvironnemental de l'Estrie

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Contact details

4260 Boulevard Bourque
Sherbrooke Québec J1N 4B3


Le Club agroenvironnemental de l’Estrie, fort de son équipe multidisciplinaire, offre des services-conseils non liés et de l’accompagnement aux producteurs agricoles dans un objectif d’agriculture durable. En collaboration avec ses partenaires, cet organisme à but non lucratif initie et participe à des activités de sensibilisation, de réseautage, de recherche et de transfert de connaissances.

Territories served

Centre-du-Québec, Chaudière-Appalaches, Estrie, Montérégie, Montérégie

Offered services:

Technical: Food processing, Related to agricultural practices (farming methods, water management, agroforestry, maple sugaring, buildings, and equipment), Related to breeding practices (consumption, genetics, farming, buildings, and equipment),

Human resources: Data organization, Data organization,

Farm business management: Farm business plan, Techno-economic analysis,

Agri-Environment: Agri-Environmental Support Plan plan (Plan d’accompagnement agroenvironnemental - PAA), Monitoring and detailed, targeted assessment, Targeted assessment in Agri-Environment,

Animal production:

Beef cattle, Dairy cattle, Grass-fed calves, Lambs and sheep, Ovines and caprines, Swine, Slaughter steer, Swine

Vegetal production:

Apples, Barley, Highbush blueberries, Carrots and celery, Corn, Crucifers, Field crops: vegetables, Forage and prairie plants, Gourd family, Greenhouse crops: vegetables, Highbush blueberries, Large-scale farming (cereals, corn, protein crops), Lettuce and chicory, Lowbush blueberries, Maple sugaring, Oat, Onions and leeks, Orchards, Ornamental crops, Ornamental crops: christmas trees, Other small fruits (sallow thorns, elderberries, haskaps...), Pears, Plums, Potato family (tomatoes and eggplants), Potatoes, Processing vegetables, Raspberries, Rye, Small fruits, Soy, Strawberries, Sweet corns, Vineyards, Wheat


Soil specialities: Composting, Fertilizing residual materials, Geomatics and remote sensing, Irrigation, Levelling, Manure management, Soil conservation and management, Soil decontamination, Sowing under plant cover, Subsurface drainage, Surface drainage, Wetland protection, Windbreak,

Plant specialities: Agroforestry, Apple growing, Asparagus, Asparagus, Canola, Cereals for human consumption, Emerging large-scale farming (false flax, flax, common millet...), Fine herbs and medicinal plants, Fruit trees other than apple growing, Garlic, Ginseng and ginger, Green manure/cover crops, Organic agriculture, Plant protection, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Urban agriculture, Wastewater management,

Engineering specialities: Farm machinery and equipment, Irrigation, Levelling, Subsurface drainage, Surface drainage, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Wastewater management,

Animal specialities: Animal well-being, Consumption, Pasture and setting up pens,


  • David Bellavance
  • Myriam Bergeron Bolduc
  • Maggie Bolduc, Agronomist
  • Mélanie Boucher, Professional technologist
  • Daniel Breton, Agronomist
  • Matthieu Brisset, Engineer
  • Célia Conway
  • Chloé Gendre, Agronomist
  • François Gendron
  • Dareck Grenier
  • Maxime Guénard-Tessier, Engineer
  • Audrey Lavoie, Agronomist
  • Caroline Martel, Professional technologist
  • Rock Martel, Agronomist
  • Geneviève Pilon
  • Sophie Sirard