Alexander Campbell
MontréalContact details
Montréal Québec H2S 3J3
Biologiste et agronome, conseiller viticole offrant des services dans le domaine technique et agroenvironnement. Dépistage, établissement de vignoble, opérations en vert dans les vignes, PAA, gestion et conservation des sols, cultures de couvertures, réglage du pulvérisateur, analyse de sol, analyses pétiolaires et sève, taille des vignes, protection et survie hivernale.
Territories served
Centre-du-Québec, Laurentides, Montérégie, Montréal-Laval-Lanaudière, OutaouaisOffered services:
Technical: Related to agricultural practices (farming methods, water management, agroforestry, maple sugaring, buildings, and equipment), Related to agricultural practices (farming methods, water management, agroforestry, maple sugaring, buildings, and equipment),
Agri-Environment: Agri-Environmental Support Plan plan (Plan d’accompagnement agroenvironnemental - PAA), Monitoring and detailed, targeted assessment, Targeted assessment in Agri-Environment,
Vegetal production:
Plant specialities: Organic agriculture, Technical improvement (installations, equipment), Green manure/cover crops, Plant protection,
Soil specialities: Composting, Soil conservation and management, Sowing under plant cover,
- Alexander Campbell, Agronomist